Rock Scaling & Rockfall Mitigation Services
Rockfall mitigation projects occur primarily along roadways and highways, but can also be necessary for residential and commercial structures constructed in the mountains at the base of steep slopes.
Rockfall mitigation involves a variety of specialized processes and varies widely from project to project. Immediate rockfall dangers are removed by rock scaling, which is hand removal of rock from the slope. Rock scaling can involve other mechanical means such as rock splitting with pneumatic drills or Kevlar coated airbags. Wire mesh can also be placed on slopes to prevent loose rock from rolling and bouncing onto below roadways and structures.
Rock dowels, or rock bolts are used to secure blocks of rock together within jointed or cracked rock masses in order to prevent future release of material. Rock dowels and rock bolts are grouted into the drill hole and advanced through the unstable mass into competent rock and secure the unstable rock mass to the stable rock.
Rockfall fences and other flexible barriers can be placed at the base of slope to protect roadways or structures to intercept rockfall. These systems require engineering to ensure the largest probable rockfall event (size, speed and bounce height of rock mass) can be adequately arrested.
In instances where a rockfall has already occurred, a rock slope analysis will be conducted with immediate rock slope stabilization, and rockfall mitigation techniques utilized to make the project area as safe as possible. The safety of our employees and others in the immediate area is our highest priority. This can include excavation and even blasting to remove potentially dangerous rock and vegetation. Following a thorough geological investigation and mapping, more permanent solutions will be put into place, specific to the environment.
Rock Mitigation techniques can include a variety of solutions including:
- Wire mesh slope protection
- Post supported wire mesh slope protection
- Flexible rockfall barrier systems
- Rock protection screens behind a barrier or guardrail
- Rock reinforcing bolts
- Rock reinforcing dowels
- Pinned wire mesh
- Wet and dry shotcrete processes
- Rockfall attenuator systems
As one of the best rockfall mitigation companies, we serve our clients with a combination of experience, continuing education, and the latest technology and strategies, to provide the most effective rockfall mitigation solutions for any environment. We are prompt and efficient. Choosing a geohazard and rockfall mitigation specialist in Denver is as easy as contacting us.
For more information about our rockfall mitigation or rock scaling services call or email us. We are available 24/7 in emergencies.